Cartoon by Effel on Adenauer’s official visit to France (3 July 1962)

On 3 July 1962, French cartoonist Effel illustrates Federal Chancellor Adenauer’s official visit to France and the procession of ghosts from the past that trails behind him as he makes his way to the French Foreign Ministry. From left to right: Frederick the Great, Bismarck, Kaiser Wilhelm II and Hitler, all of whom bear witness to more than three decades of brutal conflict between the two countries. Rapprochement between France and the Federal Republic of Germany will depend on an important process of reconciliation.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: EFFEL, Jean. L'Express. 03.07.1962.

Copyright: (c) Effel, ADAGP

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Cartoon by Effel on Adenauer’s official visit to France (3 July 1962)