Cartoon by Faizant on General de Gaulle’s attitude towards the United Kingdom (14 August 1960)

‘Sachsenring circuit. “Watch our for the British! … They never lead but they’re always in a good position for the final sprint!”’ On 14 August 1960, in view of the ongoing Franco-German rapprochement, French cartoonist Jacques Faizant paints an ironic picture of the good advice given by President de Gaulle to Federal Chancellor Adenauer concerning the United Kingdom. General de Gaulle remains very wary of the British and is opposed to any idea of British accession to the Common Market. His stance highlights the rivalry between the two countries for leadership in Europe. The French President is also particularly sceptical of the United Kingdom’s relationship with the United States. From left to right, although the Franco-German duo (Konrad Adenauer and Charles de Gaulle) is leading the race, it needs to watch out for the third cyclist in the leading pack, British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: FAIZANT, Jacques. "Circuit de Sachsenring. Méfie-toi des Anglais!. Ils ne mènent jamais mais on les retrouve toujours placés au sprint!" dans Paris-Presse-L'Intransigeant 14-15.08.1960, n°4876, p.4 .

Copyright: (c) Jacques Faizant - Chimulus

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Cartoon by Faizant on General de Gaulle’s attitude towards the United Kingdom (14 August 1960)