Cartoon by Faizant on General de Gaulle’s Europe (7 July 1962)

‘French Europe. Me, ambitious? But my dear, if I’d wanted to, I’d have become mayor of Colombey!’ On 7 July 1962, following the visit of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (on the right) to France, French cartoonist Jacques Faizant paints an ironic picture of the political ambitions of General de Gaulle (on the left) with regard to the future of Europe.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: FAIZANT, Jacques. "Europe française. Moi ambitieux ? Mais mon cher, si j'avais voulu, je serais maire de Colombey !." dans Paris-Presse-L'Intransigeant. 07.07.1962, n°5466, p.4.

Copyright: (c) Jacques Faizant - Chimulus

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Cartoon by Faizant on General de Gaulle’s Europe (7 July 1962)