Cartoon by Faizant on the creation of the European Monetary System (5 December 1978)

‘European Monetary System. Don’t make a fuss! If you can swallow Christmas pudding, you can swallow this!’ On 5 December 1978, French cartoonist Jacques Faizant illustrates how President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (centre) and Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (on the left) are laying the foundations of a new European Monetary System. The two leaders also need to secure the support of British Prime Minister and Labour Party leader James Callaghan (on the right), since the EMS envisaged by France and Germany has not received unanimous support within the Labour Party.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: FAIZANT, Jacques. "Système monétaire européen. Pas d'histoires! Quand on peut avaler du Christmas pudding, on peut avaler ça!" dans Le Figaro Paris: Le Figaro. 05.12.1978.

Copyright: (c) Jacques Faizant - Chimulus

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Cartoon by Faizant on the creation of the European Monetary System (5 December 1978)