Cartoon by Geisen on the empty chair crisis (1965)

‘Missing a wheel’. In 1965, the Swiss cartoonist Hans Geisen takes an ironic look at France’s decision to suspend its participation in the meetings of the Six, at least on a temporary basis, and illustrates the impact of Charles de Gaulle’s decision on the European integration process.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: GEISEN, Hans. 25 Jahre politische Karikaturen 1958-1983, Eine Auswahl der besten und bisher unveröffentlichten Karikaturen. Basel: Buchverlag Basler Zeitung, 1983. 119 S. ISBN 3858151017. "Radlos", auteur:Geisen, Hans, p. 32.

Copyright: (c) Hans Geisen

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Cartoon by Geisen on the empty chair crisis (1965)