Cartoon by Kamb on President de Gaulle’s trip to the FRG (4 September 1962)

On 4 September 1962, French cartoonist Kamb illustrates General de Gaulle’s trip to the Federal Republic of Germany and deplores the French President’s support of Federal Chancellor Adenauer. De Gaulle, depicted as a German heraldic eagle standing up in a convertible limousine, welcomes his guests to Bonn. Sat on his right, a beaming Konrad Adenauer welcomes the rapprochement between the two countries.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: KAMB (Jacques Kambouchner). L'Humanité Organe Central du Parti Communiste Français. Paris: L'Humanité. 04.09.1962, p.1 .

Copyright: (c) KAMB

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Cartoon by Kamb on President de Gaulle’s trip to the FRG (4 September 1962)