Cartoon by Kerleroux on the European cooperation efforts of France and Germany (5 July 1972)

‘Mount Europe. Heading for the summit? It’s the mountaineers! “And to think that there are others who are floating … Shut up and climb.”’ On 5 July 1972, French cartoonist Jean-Marie Kerleroux offers an ironic depiction of the efforts of French President Georges Pompidou, who is working with Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt to establish a common Franco-German position on the issue of currency fluctuations in Europe.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: KERLEROUX, Jean-Marie. "On y va au sommet? Les montagnards sont là! Quand je pense que pendant ce temps en y a qui flottent.Tais-toi grimpe" dans Le Canard enchainé Paris: Le Canard enchainé. 05.07.1972, p.5.

Copyright: (c) Le Canard Enchaîné / Jean-Marie Kerleroux

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Cartoon by Kerleroux on the European cooperation efforts of France and Germany (5 July 1972)