Cartoon by Köhler on the role of the Franco-German duo in the European integration process (12 September 1962)

‘Our union isn’t exclusive — there’s room for everyone!’ On 12 September 1962, German cartoonist Hanns Erich Köhler paints an ironic picture of Franco-German rapprochement and particularly emphasises the central role that General de Gaulle and Federal Chancellor Adenauer intend to play on the European stage. Sat on the same throne, the two leaders, depicted as monarchs, dominate Europe, while the ‘room’ allocated to the other (small) European countries within this future partnership is laughable. In the background, John Bull (on the left), symbolising the United Kingdom, does not seem to appreciate this new Franco-German axis. The three Scandinavian countries (on the right) observe the scene.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: KÖHLER, Hanns Erich. "Unsere Union ist nicht exklusiv-sie hat Platz für alle!" dans Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Zeitung für Deutschland. Frankfurt/Main: FAZ Verlag GmbH. 12.09.1962. n°212, p.3.

Copyright: (c) Köhler / Wilhelm-Busch-Gesellschaft e.V., Hannover

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Cartoon by Köhler on the role of the Franco-German duo in the European integration process (12 September 1962)