Cartoon by Lang on the Franco-German position on the United Kingdom’s accession to the EC (7 April 1971)

‘Mooring manœuvre.’ On 7 April 1971, in the light of the reluctant attitude of Georges Pompidou, President of the French Republic, German cartoonist Ernst Maria Lang illustrates the role of mediator played by German Chancellor Willy Brandt, who offers his help to British Prime Minister Edward Heath to anchor the United Kingdom to the European Communities.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: LANG, Ernst Maria. Die Gezeichneten : 145 Karikaturen von sehenswerten Politikern und ihren Aktionen mit Kurzinterviews und Autogrammen. München: Süddeutscher Verlag, 1971. 174 S. ISBN 3-7991-5677-1. "Anlegemanöver", auteur:Lang, Ernst Maria.

Copyright: (c) Ernst Maria LANG

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Cartoon by Lang on the Franco-German position on the United Kingdom’s accession to the EC (7 April 1971)