Cartoon by Low on the signing of the Franco-German Treaty of Friendship (25 January 1963)

On 25 January 1963, three days after the signing of the Franco-German Treaty of Friendship at the Élysée Palace, British cartoonist David Low takes an ironic look at the driving role that General de Gaulle intends to play in the new Franco-German duo, particularly in the area of the revival of European integration. From left to right, French President Charles de Gaulle and Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. At the window, British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and US President John F. Kennedy symbolise the Anglo-American duo.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: The Guardian. 25.01.1963. Manchester.

Copyright: (c) David Low Associated Newspaper / Solo Syndication, London

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Cartoon by Low on the signing of the Franco-German Treaty of Friendship (25 January 1963)