Cartoon by Luff on the new Franco-German duo of Jacques Chirac and Helmut Kohl (19 May 1995)

‘Europe. Let’s hope that the new engine works as well as the old one!’ On 19 May 1995, German cartoonist Luff (Rolf Henn) illustrates the speculation over the driving role that could be played by the new Franco-German duo Chirac and Kohl in the European integration process, particularly in the light of the joint action taken by Helmut Kohl and François Mitterrand for almost 12 years.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: LUFF (Rolf Henn). "Europa. Hoffen wir, daß der neue Motor ähnliches leistet wie der alte!" dans Stuttgarter Zeitung. 19.05.1995.

Copyright: (c) LUFF

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Cartoon by Luff on the new Franco-German duo of Jacques Chirac and Helmut Kohl (19 May 1995)