Cartoon by Mussil on the European policy pursued by the Franco-German duo (8 May 1998)

‘Common European policy’. On 8 May 1998, German cartoonist Felix Mussil paints an ironic picture of the supposed good relations between France and Germany based around a common European policy. In reality, the two leaders are engaged in fierce competition for leadership in Europe. From left to right, behind their superficial smiles, President Jacques Chirac and Chancellor Helmut Kohl are fighting to take the leading role in Europe.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: MUSSIL, Felix "Gemeinsame Europapolitik" dans Frankfurter Rundschau Frankfurt: Druck und Verlagshaus Frankfurt am Main GmbH. 08.05.1998, n°106/19, p.1.

Copyright: (c) Felix Mussil

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Cartoon by Mussil on the European policy pursued by the Franco-German duo (8 May 1998)