Cartoon by Pancho on the participation of German soldiers in the 14 July parade in France (14 July 1994)

‘Try to keep a low profile if you can …’ On 14 July 1994, cartoonist Pancho alludes to the participation of 200 German soldiers from the Eurocorps in the traditional military parade held on the Champs-Élysées to mark French national day. For the first time since the end of the Second World War, German soldiers are to parade in France as a sign of Franco-German reconciliation within a European framework. A total of almost 800 troops from five countries (France, Germany, Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg) in around a hundred armoured vehicles are to take part. The participation of the Eurocorps demonstrates the political commitment of Europe’s leaders to work for the establishment of a common defence.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: PANCHO (Francisco Graells). "Essayez, quand-même de garder un profil bas." dans Le Monde. Paris: Le Monde. 14.07.1994, n°15384, p. 1.

Copyright: (c) Pancho

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Cartoon by Pancho on the participation of German soldiers in the 14 July parade in France (14 July 1994)