Cartoon by Parschau on the implications of Franco-German rapprochement (1958)

‘We’re committed to a Franco-German friendship that lasts as long as possible!’ In 1958, in the East German satirical magazine Eulenspiegel, cartoonist Harri Parschau harshly criticises the real implications of Franco-German rapprochement. Given the new friendship between the two countries, West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer hopes that the Federal Republic of Germany will benefit from France’s future atomic weapon, currently under development. While cajoling his French partner with one hand, Adenauer points to the sought-after object with the other (General de Gaulle’s nose has taken the shape of an atomic rocket).

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: PARSCHAU, Harri. "Wir treten für eine möglichst lange deutsch-französische Freundschaft ein!" dans Eulenspiegel. Unbestechlich, aber käuflich! Berlin: Eulenspiegel-Verlag. 1958, p.647

"Sammlung_Museum für Humor und Satire"

Copyright: (c) Cartoonlobby e.V. Luckau

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Cartoon by Parschau on the implications of Franco-German rapprochement (1958)