Cartoon by Plantu on the new Franco-German relationship (1 December 1998)

‘Franco-German love story. “We’re all German Jews! Is it going to be like this until the European elections?!!”’ On 1 December 1998, French cartoonist Plantu paints an ironic picture of the tenor of the Franco-German talks in Potsdam, near Berlin. This 72nd summit between the two countries is the first for new Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who is keen to revamp Franco-German relations. French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin and President Jacques Chirac seem somewhat irritated by the new style of the Federal Chancellor, but the final declaration from Potsdam reaffirms the driving role of the Franco-German duo in European integration. The slogan ‘We’re all German Jews!’ refers to the events of May 1968 in Paris, when, as a mark of solidarity to Daniel Cohn-Bendit, who was called a German [Jewish] anarchist by his detractors, the student movement riposted with a poster showing Cohn-Bendit with a sardonic smile in front of a line of CRS riot police, and the caption ‘We’re all German Jews’. This slogan has now become one of solidarity in the face of exclusion.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: PLANTU. "Amours franco-allemandes. Nous sommes tous des Juifs allemands! Ça va être comme ça jusqu’aux européennes?!!!" dans Le Monde. Paris: Le Monde. 01.12.1998, n°16748, p.1.

Copyright: (c) Plantu

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Cartoon by Plantu on the new Franco-German relationship (1 December 1998)