Cartoon by Sauer on Franco-German reconciliation: Adenauer’s official visit to France (28 July 1962)

‘Old friends. Europe’s hour of glory: Charles de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer march past each other during an official parade and salute each other as they salute the troops.’ On 28 July 1962, German cartoonist Josef Sauer illustrates the success of Federal Chancellor Adenauer’s visit to France, which is seen as a resounding demonstration of Franco-German solidarity. During this visit, French President de Gaulle and Konrad Adenauer attend the first joint parade of French and German troops in Mourmelon. France and West Germany have gone from being old enemies to ‘old friends’. In the cartoon, the two men have swapped uniforms and parade together.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: SAUER, Josef. "Die Erbfreunde. Eine europäische Sternstunde: Charles de Gaulle und Konrad Adenauer marschieren in einer glanzvollen Parade aneinander vorbei, die sie zugleich gegenseitig abnehmen." Simplicissimus. München: Simplicissimus Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H.28.07.1962, n° 30.

Copyright: (c) Josef Sauer

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Cartoon by Sauer on Franco-German reconciliation: Adenauer’s official visit to France (28 July 1962)