Cartoon by Schoenfeld on Berlin, capital of a unified Germany (24 July 1991)

‘Sorry, but since the decision to choose Berlin, nothing works here any more.’ On 24 July 1991, German cartoonist Karl-Heinz Schoenfeld illustrates the shortcomings in diplomatic protocol since Berlin was proclaimed as the capital of the reunified Germany. It seems that nothing is in place to host the European Heads of State as they alight from the plane. Chancellor Kohl apologises to French President Mitterrand while officials bustle about trying to unfurl the red carpet. One month earlier, on 20 June 1991, the German Parliament narrowly chose Berlin as capital of a reunified Germany over the city of Bonn, which had served as capital of the Federal Republic of Germany. This choice was preceded by impassioned debates in Germany and abroad, since Berlin still held bad memories as the capital of Nazi Germany.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: SCHOENFELD, Karl-Heinz. "Entschuldigung, aber seit der Berlin-Entscheidung fuktionniert hier nichts mehr." dans Hamburger Abendblatt. 24.07.1991.

Copyright: (c) by Karl-Heinz Schoenfeld

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Cartoon by Schoenfeld on Berlin, capital of a unified Germany (24 July 1991)