Cartoon by Siegl on the empty chair crisis (31 July 1965)

‘Consolation for Europe — Believe me! Our Charles will come back!’ In July 1965, German cartoonist Siegl uses the myth of the abduction of Europa to illustrate the reaction of Federal Chancellor Ludwig Erhard to the decision taken by General Charles de Gaulle, President of the French Republic, to boycott the intergovernmental meetings of the Community bodies in Brussels, thereby provoking the ‘empty chair’ crisis.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: SIEGL, Wigg. "Trost für Europa - Glaub mir doch! Unser Charles wird wiederkommen!" dans Simplicissimus. München: Simplicissimus Verlagsgesellschaft m.b.H. 31.07.1965, n° 16.

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Cartoon by Siegl on the empty chair crisis (31 July 1965)