Cartoon by Stig on the attitude of General de Gaulle during the empty chair crisis and his opposition to the President of the European Commission, Walter Hallstein (28 October 1965)

‘… have you really removed all the obstacles from the path!?!’ On 28 October 1965, cartoonist Stig takes an ironic look at the trial of strength under way between France and its five European partners to resolve the empty chair crisis, and particularly underlines the intransigent attitude of French President Charles de Gaulle.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Saarbrücker Zeitung. 28.10.1965, Nr. 252; 205. Jg. Saarbrücken.

Copyright: (c) STIG

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Cartoon by Stig on the attitude of General de Gaulle during the empty chair crisis and his opposition to the President of the European Commission, Walter Hallstein (28 October 1965)