Cartoon by Wand on the question of Franco-German relations (17 January 1950)

‘European duet. On a slightly out-of-tune piano'. From 13 to 15 January 1950, Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister, visits the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) to meet Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. Despite the differing views of the two men on the settlement of the Saar question, German cartoonist Wand emphasises both the historic nature of this meeting and the commitment of the two men to European unity.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: WAND. "Am leicht verstimmten Flügel" dans Bonner Rundschau. Ausgabe der kölnischen Rundschau für die Bundeshauptstadt. Bonn: Verlag Deutsche Glocke GmbH. 17.01.1950, n°14, 5. Jg, p.14.

Copyright: (c) Kölnische Rundschau

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Cartoon by Wand on the question of Franco-German relations (17 January 1950)