Egon Bahr, Willy Brandt and Hans Apel (Brussels, 7 February 1973)

Egon Bahr, former State Secretary and Minister in the Chancellery, the Federal Chancellor, Willy Brandt, and Hans Apel, who became Parliamentary State Secretary with special responsibility for European Affairs attached to the Foreign Minister in December 1972, at a meeting held at the Egmont Palace in Brussels on 7 February 1973.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung (BPA), 10117 Berlin, Dorotheenstr. 84.
Bundeskanzler Brandt in Belgien 1973. Brüssel: Bundesregierung/Gräfingholt, Detlef, 07/02/1972. Schwarz und Weiß.

Copyright: (c) Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung

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Egon Bahr, Willy Brandt and Hans Apel (Brussels, 7 February 1973)