‘Washington maintains its positions but adopts a conciliatory approach to Paris’ from Le Monde (20 May 1983)

On 20 May 1983, the French daily newspaper Le Monde outlines the main points of the draft joint text for a global economic recovery proposed by the US Administration. The text takes into account the respective positions of the six other participating countries (the Federal Republic of Germany, Canada, France, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at the G7 Summit due to be held in Williamsburg from 28 to 30 May 1983.

Quelle und Copyright

Quelle: SOLE, Robert. Washington maintient ses positions mais adopte un ton conciliant à l'égard de Paris, Dans Le Monde (20.05.1983), Paris: Société éditrice du Monde, s.a., pp. 3.

Copyright: (c) Le Monde

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