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- Born on 21 October 1949 in Ciudad Real (Spain), deceased 4 December 2017 in Madrid

- Nationality: Spanish

- Master's in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid

- Member of the Spanish Parliament for the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) (1977‒1986)

- Spokesman for the Socialist Group in the Foreign Affairs Committee and Deputy Secretary-General of the Socialists in the Spanish Parliament (1979‒1986)

- State Secretary for Relations with the European Communities and head of the negotiating team for Spain's accession to the European Communities (1982‒1985)

- Member of the European Commission (1986‒1999) and First Vice-President (1993‒1999)

- Member of the Spanish Parliament for the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) (2000‒2008)

- Spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Committee (2000‒2004)

- President of the Spanish Parliament (2004‒2008)

- Professor at the University of Alcalá, Madrid (since 2008)

- President of the Fundación Iberdrola (since 2008)

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