Discours de Habib Ibrahim Rahimtoola lors de la cérémonie d'indépendance du Ceylan (10 février 1948)

Le 10 février 1948, le haut-commissaire du Pakistan au Royaume-Uni, Habib Ibrahim Rahimtoola, prononce un discours lors des festivités organisées à l'occasion de l'indépendance du Ceylan.

Source and copyright

Source: Speech made by the High Commissioner on 10.2.48 at the reception given by the Ceylon Representative. 10-02-1948. Kept in: The National Archives of the UK (TNA). DO - Records created or inherited by the Dominions Office, and of the Commonwealth Relations and Foreign and Commonwealth Offices, DO 35 - Dominions Office and Commonwealth Relations Office: Original Correspondence. Ceylon's Independence Day Celebrations, February 4th 1948, DO 35/2195.

Copyright: (c) The National Archives of the United Kingdom

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