Jörg Haider during a special sitting of the National Council on the euro (Vienna, 19 November 1997)

On 19 November 1997, during a special sitting of the Austrian Parliament on the euro, Jörg Haider, MP and Leader of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), speaks out against the dangers of the single European currency.

Source and copyright

Source: FPÖ-Obmann Jörg Haider während einer Pressekonferenz zum Thema "Euro-Sondersitzung des Nationalrates" am 19. Nov. 1997 im Parlament. JÄGER, Robert. Wien: APA-IMAGES / APA, 19/11/1997. Farbe.

Copyright: (c) APA

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Jörg Haider during a special sitting of the National Council on the euro (Vienna, 19 November 1997)