'Mr Jenkins’ seven arguments in support of a European currency', from 30 jours d'Europe (27 October 1977)

On 27 October 1977, at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Roy Jenkins, President of the European Commission, gives an address in favour of the implementation of European monetary union. Two months later, the monthly publication 30 jours d’Europe analyses Mr Jenkins’ proposals and highlights their strong points.

Source and copyright

Source: 30 jours d'Europe. dir. de publ. Fontaine, François ; Réd. Chef Chastenet, Antoine. Décembre 1977, n° 233. Paris: Service d'information des Communautés européennes. "Les sept arguments de M. Jenkins en faveur d'une monnaie européenne", auteur:L.-F., B. , p. 6-7.

Copyright: (c) Translation CVCE.EU by UNI.LU
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