‘After the tripartite agreement of 15 January, the M.M.R.-A is back on track’ from Le Républicain Lorrain (19 January 1981)

On 19 January 1981, the French regional daily newspaper Le Républicain Lorrain describes the tripartite agreement (government, employers and trade unions) signed on 15 January that determines the future of the Luxembourg iron and steel industry until 1984 and guarantees the survival of the company Métallurgique et Minière de Rodange-Athus (M.M.R-A). The article emphasises the role played by Pierre Werner, Luxembourg Prime Minister and Minister of State, in the negotiations.

Source et copyright

Source: Après l’accord tripartite du 15 janvier dernier – La M.M.R.-A de nouveau sur ses rails. Dans: Le Républicain lorrain: est-journal. 19-01-1981. ISSN 0397-0639. Conservé à: Archives familiales Pierre Werner.

Copyright: (c) Le Républicain Lorrain

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