Cartoon by Bec on France’s economic and political subjugation to US interests (22 October 1947)

‘We are bringing our geography to the Americans’. In October 1947, French cartoonist Bec deplores France’s economic and political subjugation to US interests. From left to right, Paul Ramadier, President of the Council of Ministers, and General de Gaulle, founder of the political party Rally of the French People (RPF), offer their country to the United States.

Source et copyright

Source: Le Patriote mosellan. Porte-parole et défenseur de la population lorraine. 22.10.1947, n° 14; 2e année. Metz.

Copyright: (c) Bec

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Cartoon by Bec on France’s economic and political subjugation to US interests (22 October 1947)