Cartoon by Haitzinger on the Maastricht European Council (9 December 1991)

‘Maastricht open-air swimming pool: “Follow me! Let us know if there’s any water in the pool!”’ On 9 December 1991, on the eve of the Maastricht European Council, German cartoonist Horst Haitzinger takes an ironic look at the commitment (‘Follow me!’) of German Chancellor Helmut Kohl to Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and to the Treaty on European Union. French President François Mitterrand, second in line, seems more reluctant to take the plunge (‘Let us know if there’s any water in the pool!’), while British Prime Minister John Major seems to be about to climb down from the diving board.

Source et copyright

Source: HAITZINGER, Horst. Haitzinger Karikaturen 1992. München: Bruckmann, 1992. 72 S. ISBN 3-7654-2259-2. "Maastrichter Freibad", p. 7.

Copyright: (c) Horst Haitzinger

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Cartoon by Haitzinger on the Maastricht European Council (9 December 1991)