Cartoon by Hartung on the establishment of closer relations between Francoist Spain and the EEC (30 October 1968)

‘Come, come!’ On 29 October 1968, Federal Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger meets General Franco during his official visit to the Spanish capital. The day after this visit, 30 October, the German cartoonist Wilhelm Hartung paints an ironic picture of this controversial meeting and accuses the Chancellor of working for the establishment of closer relations between Francoist Spain and the European Economic Community. Following their discussions, the representatives of the Federal Republic of Germany and Spain are of the view that a ‘minimum of collaboration’ is needed between the countries of Western Europe to guarantee their defence in response to the threat represented by the communist bloc.

Source et copyright

Source: HARTUNG, Wilhelm. Komm-komm !. Dans: Die Welt: Unabhängige Tageszeitung für Deutschland. 30-10-1968. Nr. 254, p.2. ISSN 0173-8437.

Copyright: (c) Hartung(c) Hartung

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Cartoon by Hartung on the establishment of closer relations between Francoist Spain and the EEC (30 October 1968)