Cartoon by HeKo on the FRG and the CAP (25 July 1963)

‘The tricky act of the Minister of Agriculture from Bonn.’ On 25 July 1963, on the margins of the difficult negotiations on the development of a common market for wheat, the German cartoonist, Herbert Kolfhaus, illustrates the efforts of Werner Schwarz, German Minister for Agriculture, to convince German farmers to accept the measures imposed by the common agricultural policy (CAP).

Source et copyright

Source: BARTHOLY, Georg. Aufs Korn genommen, Das Jahr 1963 in der Karikatur der Deutschen Zeitung. Köln: Deutsche Zeitung, 1963. 55 S.

Copyright: (c) Deutsche Zeitung

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Cartoon by HeKo on the FRG and the CAP (25 July 1963)