Cartoon by Illingworth on the issues surrounding the Italian elections (19 April 1948)

On 19 April 1948, British cartoonist Leslie Gilbert Illingworth illustrates the numerous issues surrounding the Italian parliamentary elections, which, owing to the Cold War, are giving rise to huge expectations on both sides of the Iron Curtain. These parliamentary elections would lead to the victory of Alcide De Gasperi’s Christian Democracy party over the Popular Democratic Front , a coalition formed by the Communist Party and the Italian Socialists, and would therefore emphasise Italy’s position in the Western bloc.

Source et copyright

Source: Daily Mail. For King and Commonwealth. 19.04.1948, No 16.202. London.

Copyright: (c) Leslie Illingworth Associated Newspaper / Solo Syndication, London

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Cartoon by Illingworth on the issues surrounding the Italian elections (19 April 1948)