Cartoon by Illingworth on Winston Churchill’s efforts in promoting European unity (11 May 1948)

On 11 May 1948, commenting on the outcome of the Congress of Europe in The Hague, Leslie Gilbert Illingworth, British cartoonist, illustrates the importance of the role played by the former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, as he bears the torch of the European ideal across a continent devastated by the war.

Source et copyright

Source: National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 3BU., Leslie Gilbert Illingworth, ILW01425 - Churchill carries the Council of Europe torch, 11 May 1948.

Copyright: (c) Leslie Illingworth Associated Newspaper / Solo Syndication, London By permission of The Nationale Library of Wales

Ce document se trouve également dans…

Cartoon by Illingworth on Winston Churchill’s efforts in promoting European unity (11 May 1948)