Cartoon by Köhler on tensions within the Franco-German relationship (14 January 1967)

‘The dish of reconciliation’. On 13 and 14 January 1967, West German Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger and his Foreign Minister Willy Brandt meet General de Gaulle at the Élysée Palace to discuss ongoing European issues and try to revive cooperation between the two countries. On 14 January, German cartoonist Hanns Erich Köhler paints an ironic picture of Franco-German relations. The new rapprochement between Paris and Bonn will not be straightforward, especially since relations between General de Gaulle and previous Chancellor Erhard were particularly strained. French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville presents his guests with the main course, which is garnished with the heads of former Federal Chancellor Ludwig Erhard and his Foreign Minister Gerhard Schröder.

Source et copyright

Source: KÖHLER, Hanns Erich. "Das Versöhnungsgericht" dans Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Zeitung für Deutschland. Frankfurt/Main: FAZ Verlag GmbH. 14.01.1967, n°12, p.3.

Copyright: (c) Köhler / Wilhelm-Busch-Gesellschaft e.V., Hannover

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Cartoon by Köhler on tensions within the Franco-German relationship (14 January 1967)