Cartoon by Mitelberg on the French parliamentary debates on the Common Market (19 January 1957)

‘We don’t have to be ashamed about being European (Pleven to the National Assembly).’ On 19 January 1957, in the French Communist daily newspaper L’Humanité, commenting on the debates in the National Assembly on the proposed European Economic Community (EEC), the cartoonist Mitelberg criticises the supporters of the Common Market, including Prime Minister René Pleven, who are accused of wanting to further the interests of German industry.

Source et copyright

Source: L'Humanité. Organe Central du Parti Communiste Français. 19.01.1957, n° 3851. Paris: L'Humanité. "Nous n'avons pas à être des Européens honteux (Pleven à l'Assemblée nationale).", auteur:Mitelberg , p. 1.

Copyright: (c) Mitelberg, Adagp, Paris 2008

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Cartoon by Mitelberg on the French parliamentary debates on the Common Market (19 January 1957)