Cartoon by Pielert on the sovereignty of the GDR (1955)

‘The document says: Now you be big St Bernard!’ In 1955, German cartoonist Klaus Pielert paints an ironic picture of the declaration of sovereignty by the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (on the left, Walter Ulbricht depicted as a dachshund at the beck and call of his Soviet master).

Source et copyright

Source: Lebendiges Museum Online (LeMO): Karikatur: Klaus Pielert zur Souveränität an die DDR, um 1955. [ONLINE]. [Berlin]: Deutsches Historisches Museum, [23.09.2005]. Disponible sur

Copyright: (c) Klaus Pielert (Karikaturist), Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn

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Cartoon by Pielert on the sovereignty of the GDR (1955)