Cartoon by Sennep on the debates in the French Parliament on the Common Market (19 January 1957)

‘The Common Market: As yet, we have only the wrapping paper.’ On 19 January 1957, in the French daily newspaper Le Figaro, the cartoonist, Sennep, illustrates the debates being held in the French National Assembly on the proposed Common Market and takes an ironic look at the lack of substance of the arguments put forward by Guy Mollet, French Prime Minister.

Source et copyright

Source: Le Figaro. 19-20.01.1957, n° 3848; 131e année. Paris: Le Figaro. "Le Marché commun: Nous n'avons encore que le papier d'emballage", auteur:Sennep , p. 1.

Copyright: (c) Sennep, Adagp, Paris 2008

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Cartoon by Sennep on the debates in the French Parliament on the Common Market (19 January 1957)