Draft study by the Economic and Social Committee on the problems raised by the renewal of the Yaoundé Convention (Brussels, 24 February 1969)

In this draft study dated 24 February 1969 produced on behalf of the specialist section for overseas development in the Economic and Social Committee (ESC) of the European Communities, the rapporteur, Mr Bodart, outlines the problems raised by the renewal of the Yaoundé Convention. He particularly refers to the development of imports in the European Economic Community (EEC) of the main products from the Associated African and Malagasy States, examines the implementation of the provisions in the convention and proposes various amendments ahead of its renewal.

Source et copyright

Source: Communautés européennes. Comité économique et social. Projet d’étude de la section spécialisée pour le développement de l’outre-mer sur les problèmes que soulève le renouvellement de la convention de Yaoundé. Rapporté par BODART, M. 24-02-1969. CES 574/68mi. Conservé à: Archives historiques de l'Union européenne. EM-Eduardo Martino, EM.C Commission exécutive. EM.C.C Afrique noire, Etats africains et malgache associés (EAMA). Le renouvellement de la Convention de Yaoundé, EM-184.

Copyright: Historical Archives of the European Union

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