Extract from minutes of the 324th meeting of the WEU Council held at ministerial level on 4 and 5 July 1967 in The Hague (London, 30 November 1967)

At the 324th meeting of the Council of Western European Union (WEU), held at ministerial level on 4 and 5 July 1967 in The Hague, the delegations discuss the situation in the Middle East. Following the Six-Day War between Israel and a coalition of Arab League states from 5 to 10 June 1967, Lord Chalfont, a British minister in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, sets out the British Government’s position on the crisis. He emphasises that the accusations levelled by Egypt, on the basis of which the United Kingdom and the United States would have intervened militarily in the conflict, are all false and calls for a greater United Nations presence in the region. The French minister delegate, André Bettencourt, underlines the fact that lasting peace in the Middle East must be based on solutions that have been freely negotiated between the interested parties, accepted by all parties concerned and enshrined by the international community. He remarks that the difficult relations between the Unites States and the Soviet Union on the UN Security Council are not making the situation any easier to resolve.

Source et copyright

Source: Conseil de l'Union de l'Europe occidentale. Extrait du compte rendu de la 324e réunion du Conseil tenue au niveau ministériel les 4 et 5 juillet 1967 à La Haye. CR (67) 15. Partie I. Exemplaire No. 9. 30.11.1967. pp. [s.p]; 41-48; 52-54.

Ministère des Affaires étrangères. Centre des Archives diplomatiques de Nantes. Archives rapatriées de l'ambassade de France à Londres. Série «Union de l'Europe occidentale (UEO)». 1953-1992 (2002). 378PO/UEO/1-389. Numéro 16. Cote EU.40.1.3. La Haye (juillet 1967). 1960-1969.

Copyright: (c) Ministère des Affaires étrangères de la République Française
Avec l'autorisation du ministère des Affaires Etrangères

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