Extract from the report on standardisation and the satisfaction of armaments requirements: French and British memoranda (Paris, 5 May 1955)

At the meeting on 17 January 1955, the French and British delegations present their memorandum on standardisation and the satisfaction of armaments requirements with a view to incorporating their proposals in the report on this theme published on 5 May 1955 by the working party on production and standardisation of armaments of the Interim Commission of Western European Union (WEU). The French delegation identifies the operational, logistical and industrial considerations that should be taken into account in the choice of equipment to be standardised. They conclude that an additional, more detailed study than that of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), drawn up by a smaller group, would not really serve any purpose unless NATO-wide standardisation proves to be impossible. The British representative sets out his personal conclusions as a member of the committee of experts. He focuses on the question of the usefulness of WEU for equipment standardisation, concluding that a more useful role for the organisation would be to undertake and promote the standardisation of constituent elements and adapters.

Source et copyright

Source: Union de l'Europe occidentale. Commission intérimaire. Groupe de travail sur la production et la standardisation des armements. Rapport sur la standardisation et la satisfaction des besoins d’armements.. Paris: 05.05.1955. pp. 80-84 ; 92-95; annexe

Archives nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux). http://anlux.lu/. Western European Union Archives. Armament Bodies. CPA/SAC. Comité permanent des armements. File CPA-031. Volume 1/1.

Copyright: (c) WEU Secretariat General - Secrétariat Général UEO

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