Franco-British cooperation during a NATO naval exercise in the Mediterranean (May 1957)

In May 1957, in connection with a naval exercise carried out by the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in the Mediterranean, a Piasecki HUP-2 helicopter from the French aircraft carrier Bois Belleau lands on the flight deck of the British aircraft carrier HMS Albion.

Source et copyright

Source: A Piasecki HUP-2 helicopter from the French aircraft carrier BOIS BELLUE landing on the flight deck of HMS ALBION during a NATO exercise. [online] Naval exercises in the Mediterranean. May 1957, On Board HMS Albion in the Mediterranean, during Nato exercises. Part of Admiralty Official Collection. London: Imperial War Museum. Black and White. © IWM (A 33794).
Catalogue number A 33794
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Copyright: (c) Imperial War Museum

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Franco-British cooperation during a NATO naval exercise in the Mediterranean (May 1957)