Handover of power to the Tunisian Government from the central administration of the Tunisian Army (Tunis, 25 May 1956)

On 25 May 1956, after the handover of power to the Tunisian Government from the central administration of the Tunisian Army, previously under the responsibility of a French colonel, the Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba (on the right) reviews the troops.

Source et copyright

Source: TUNISIE-INDEPENDENCE-BOURGUIBA. [en ligne]. Paris: Agence France-presse (AFP). 25-04-1956. ID: 69627574. Disponible à l'adresse http://www.belgaimage.be.

Copyright: (c) Agence Belga

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Handover of power to the Tunisian Government from the central administration of the Tunisian Army (Tunis, 25 May 1956)