Jean Chauvel at the meeting of the WEU Council of Ministers in London (4 February 1960)

On 4 February 1960, a meeting of the Council of Ministers of Western European Union (WEU) is held in London. Jean Chauvel (on the left), French Ambassador to London since 1 February 1955, is a member of the French delegation attending the meeting. Jean Chauvel serves as Ambassador to London until 16 March 1962, when he is replaced by Geoffroy Chodron de Courcel.

Source et copyright

Source: Archives nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux). Western European Union. Archives Photo Database. File Number: 110.58. Record Number: 342. WEU Ministerial Council, London 1960. 02/1960. Black and white.

Copyright: (c) Universal Pictorial

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Jean Chauvel at the meeting of the WEU Council of Ministers in London (4 February 1960)