Léon M’ba and Charles de Gaulle (Paris, 7 October 1967)

On 7 October 1967, French President Charles de Gaulle welcomes Léon M’ba, the first President of the Gabonese Republic (1961–1967). In the background: Jacques Foccart, the President’s Secretary-General for African and Malagasy Affairs.

Source et copyright

Source: France-De Gaulle-M'ba [en ligne]. Paris: Agence France-Presse (AFP), 07.10.1967. Noir et blanc.
BelgaImage. ID: 75768577.
Disponible sur: http://www.belgaimage.be.

Copyright: (c) Agence Belga

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Léon M’ba and Charles de Gaulle (Paris, 7 October 1967)