Meeting of the Contact Committee of Heads of the SAIs in Luxembourg (21 November 2000)

On 21 November 2000, the Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the Member States of the European Union held their annual meeting at the seat of the European Court of Auditors in Luxembourg. The Contact Committee meets annually, alternating between Luxembourg and the capital city of another Member State.

Source et copyright

Source: Archives de la Cour des comptes européenne, Luxembourg, 12, rue Alcide De Gasperi L-1615 Luxembourg.
Réunion du Comité de Contact des Présidents des ISC à Luxembourg (21 novembre 2000). Luxembourg: Cour des comptes des Communautés européennes, 21.11.2000. Couleur.

Copyright: European Court of Auditors

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Meeting of the Contact Committee of Heads of the SAIs in Luxembourg (21 November 2000)