Note from the Directorate for Political Affairs in the French Foreign Ministry concerning the reactivation of the SAC (Paris, 8 March 1974)

On 8 March 1974, the Directorate for Political Affairs in the French Foreign Ministry reviews the modest record of activities carried out by the Standing Armaments Committee (SAC) and outlines the efforts made by France to reactivate this subsidiary body of Western European Union (WEU). The Directorate for Political Affairs regrets that the French proposal to introduce a system for exchanging information between the SAC and the Eurogroup (a body of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation to which France does not belong) was supported only by Italy and Luxembourg. Nevertheless, it proposes to emphasise to the Ministerial Council in The Hague that this system for exchanging information is the only way of avoiding overlap between Europeans in armaments production.

Source et copyright

Source: Ministère des Affaires étrangères. Direction des Affaires Politiques. Service des Pactes et du Désarmement. Note pour la direction d'Europe, Sous-direction d'Europe occidentale. A/s. La réactivation du Comité Permanent des Armements de l'UEO: Paris, le 8 mars 1974, N°94. 5 p.

Ministère des Affaires étrangères. Centre des Archives diplomatiques de Nantes. Archives rapatriées de l'ambassade de France à Londres. Série «Union de l'Europe occidentale (UEO)». 1953-1992 (2002). 378PO/UEO/1-389. Numéro 32. Cote UEO.1.2. La Haye. Réunion ministérielle 11mars 1974. 1970-1974.

Copyright: (c) Ministère des Affaires étrangères de la République Française
Avec l'autorisation du ministère des Affaires Etrangères

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