Poster during the Estonian election campaign (Tallinn, 12 September 2003)

In the run-up to the referendum held on 14 September 2003 in Estonia on the country’s accession to the European Union, posters published by the Conservative Party Res Publica are displayed, as here in Tallinn, calling on voters to support accession to the EU. The photo shows Juhan Parts, Estonian Prime Minister, and the slogan ‘Say YES to the EU, life will be better’.

Source et copyright

Source: A street in Tallinn, 12 September 2003, shows a poster of Estonian Prime Minister Juhan Parts. Tallinn: Belga/AFP, 12.09.2003. Colour.

Copyright: (c) Belg Photo

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Poster during the Estonian election campaign (Tallinn, 12 September 2003)