‘Press release from the General Secretariat of the Istiqlal Party’ from the Bulletin de documentation et de l’information de l’Istiqlāl (Rabat, 10 October 1950)

In October 1950, the Moroccan pro-independence party Istiqlal issues a press release in which it criticises the police repression of its members and calls on the people of Morocco to display political maturity and not to respond to what they see as provocation from French colonialists, who they claim want to slow the country’s journey to independence.

Source et copyright

Source: Communiqué du secrétariat général du Parti de l'Istiqlal. Dans: Bulletin de documentation et d'information. 11-10-1950. Nouvelle série n°3. Conservé à: Archives nationales d'outre-mer. Archives privées, Archives privées outre-mer. Delanoë (Guy) (97 APOM, 1930/1990). FR ANOM 97 APOM 1.

Copyright: (c) Archives Nationales d'Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence

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