Report by the European Parliament on the renewal of the Yaoundé Convention (30 September 1968)

In this report dated 30 September 1968 drawn up on behalf of the European Parliament’s committee for relations with the Associated African and Malagasy States (AAMS), the rapporteur, Gaston Thorn, examines the issues raised by the renewal of the Yaoundé Convention. He particularly discusses the institutional structure provided by the convention and analyses the development of trade between the AAMS and the European Economic Community (EEC). The report also focuses on financial and technical cooperation, especially the intervention of the European Development Fund (EDF) and the role of the European Investment Bank (EIB) in the AAMS.

Source et copyright

Source: Parlement européen. Rapport fait au nom de la commission des relations avec les pays africains et malgache sur le renouvellement de la convention de Yaoundé. Rapporté par THORN, Gaston. 30-09-1968. Document 137. Conservé à: Archives historiques de l'Union européenne. EM-Eduardo Martino, EM.C Commission exécutive. EM.C.C Afrique noire, Etats africains et malgache associés (EAMA). Le renouvellement de la Convention de Yaoundé, EM-184.

Copyright: Historical Archives of the European Union

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