Speaking notes from the Sub-Directorate for the Levant in the French Foreign Ministry on the issues surrounding the situation in the Middle East (Paris, 4 February 1969)

On 4 February 1969, the Sub-Directorate for the Levant in the French Foreign Ministry draws up speaking notes for the ministerial meeting of the Council of Western European Union (WEU) due to be held on 6 and 7 February in Luxembourg to discuss the issues surrounding the Middle East crisis. The note emphasises the tensions in the Middle East owing to the activities carried out by Palestinian resistance organisations and to the fact that Israel has still not clearly accepted Resolution 242 of the UN Security Council. Regarding the Soviet plan to settle the conflict, the Sub-Directorate for the Levant believes that it contains several ambiguities; it points out that, unlike the USSR, France is not seeking partial solutions but wishes to resolve all the problems. On 16 January 1969, in a bid to make headway on the crisis, France submitted a proposal for consultation to the other three members of the Security Council (the United States, the USSR and the United Kingdom). These speaking notes are adopted in full by the French State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Jean de Lipkowski, at the ministerial meeting of the WEU Council on 6 and 7 February in Luxembourg.

Source et copyright

Source: Ministère des Affaires étrangères. Direction des Affaires Politiques, Afrique-Levant. Sous-direction du Levant. Schéma d'intervention (Réunion du Conseil de l'UEO). A/s Situation au Moyen-Orient: Paris, le 4 février 1969. 6 p.

Ministère des Affaires étrangères. Centre des Archives diplomatiques de Nantes. Archives rapatriées de l'ambassade de France à Londres. Série «Union de l'Europe occidentale (UEO)». 1953-1992 (2002). 378PO/UEO/1-389. Numéro 18. Cote EU.40.1.3. Luxembourg (février 1969). 1960-1970.

Copyright: (c) Ministère des Affaires étrangères de la République Française
Avec l'autorisation du ministère des Affaires Etrangères

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